Friday, November 7, 2008


Reading others thoughtful writings, for a writer, is like planting and cultivating seeds, for a gardener. It produces a crop of ideas. One such article, by Brett Joshpe, "The International War on Free Speech", has provided fodder for Mirror On US. Brett is the co-author, along with S.E. Cupp, of "Why You're Wrong About the Right." (Also, a good read) I've added a link to his article in The American Spectator, at the bottom of this entry.
Our freedom of speech is like a muscle. If we don't exercise it, atrophy will set in. If we don't use it correctly, with forethought and intelligence, it will be used against us. It's time to persuade those close to us; our families & friends, our co-workers, the waitress, the barber, our beer drinking buddies, our church going Christian brothers & sisters, of the common sense fact that our freedoms are not guaranteed. In a comment at the bottom of Brett Joshpe's article, Mike Bell said, "freedom is our God given right", but so are other rights that have slipped from our grasp. God gives us much, but it is our responsibility to maintain and protect those rights. Both the 1st and 2nd amendments depend on each other. Our freedom to bear arms will have a great deal to do with our keeping our freedom of speech...and if we don't exercise our freedom of speech in support of the 2nd amendment...we'll loose that right to bear arms...and then, how long do you really think we'll be able to protect that "God given freedom of speech"?
We can get all stressed out about what is going wrong in our country and our world, but if we don't get off our lazy comfort zones and do something, we'll just be so much wind in the trees. The whole purpose of this blog is to generate self examination and movement. We can get all excited about the up and coming leaders that are on the horizon...Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal, Mike Clynch and some others...but until we, the real conservative republicans, the voters, get involved in the everyday issues...we are doomed to failure. As we can see by history, good leaders can only succeed...can only become great, with the support and backing of the voters. Ronald Reagan became a great president, in spite of the obstacles in DC, because of the support from US. That's where the power is. US!
So get behind a local conservative in an election for alderman or mayor or state representative...or run for office your self. We are the foundation. We are the United States (US), and without a firm foundation, the central government we support will crumble. So get involved. If the local party is full of "good ole boys" who do nothing but feather their own nests, get your like minded friends and neighbors together and throw the bums out! That's democracy in action.
Start now. Comment on my article at the bottom. If you agree, tell me so and why. If you disagree, give me a rational, well thought out reason why. FORWARD MY BLOG TO A FRIEND, or enemy. If you think the democratics won big this Tuesday by accident, you're kidding yourself. They won because their supporters got involved. They believed in something. If you really believe in conservatism...prove it.
This is turning into a RANT. It's your turn.


  1. I think that we lost because we did not have
    a chance with the economy in the dirt. Anyone
    could have won except a republican. We may pay
    a big price in a few years.

  2. You have been tagged. Don't know what that means? See my post:
